Deranecque Rogers is a 20-year Public Safety veteran working for the Memphis Police Department Emergency Communications Bureau (ECB). She works to promote personal and professional development, clear and transparent communication, and positive employee engagement. She has earned her Emergency Number Professional (ENP) certification, the Center Management Certification (CMCP), and her Bachelor of Science degree from Christian Brothers University. She is passionate about her career, education, and leadership. She adores her family, friends, and peers, each of whom she considers to be true blessings.
Deranecque currently serves as Vice President Education for Bluff City Toastmasters. In addition to enhancing her speaking skills, she also volunteers her services through multiple organizations: Junior League Memphis, Memphis Athletic Ministries, Mentor Memphis, Baptist Camp Good Grief, and The United Way Mid-South. She loves children and believes that when given love, nurturing, and opportunity, children will grow to be their best.